Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bel Canto Masters Study Series Releases Lamperti's "The Technic of Bel Canto"

G. B. Lamperti's one and only treatise The Technic of Bel Canto was released today for publication and is now available to order at our store on Stand by for distribution at!

As the last of the great master-teachers of the “old Italian school” of singing, Giovanni Battista Lamperti taught his students virtuosic vocal techniques handed down from the great castrati of the 17th century: exquisitely rich chiaro-scuro tone, seamless flowing legato phrasing, undetectable passaggi register transitions and the delicately poised appoggio breath technique that allowed the astonishingly rapid coloratura typical of baroque music.

In the only treatise he ever wrote, Lamperti the younger shares with all students, teachers and enthusiasts of singing, the techniques and skills that made his students that greatest singers of their time: the arcane secrets of bel canto.

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